More Than Politics
More Than Politics
MTP 6: On Being Politically Uncomfortable with Leslie Sholly
In this episode Julie Walsh talks with writer Leslie Sholly about the experience of being politically uncomfortable. The two enjoy a kinship of sorts: their political views are similar to one another, but make them outliers in their respective communities.
Leslie, who lives in a conservative, southern, Republican state, identifies as a pro-life Democrat. And Julie, who lives in a liberal, east coast, Democratic state, finds herself as a sort of moderate, uncomfortable Republican. Both identify with the minority parties in their states, but find themselves as ideological minorities even within those parties.
Both very well used to being politically uncomfortable.
The following posts were referenced in this episode:
Leslie writes at https://lifeineverylimb.com/
She can be found on:
Facebook: http://facebook.com/lifeineverylimb
Twitter: http://twitter.com/LeslieSholly
Instagram: http://instagram.com/LeslieSholly
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/LeslieHSholly
Google +: https://plus.google.com/u/1/+LeslieSholly
Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/life-in-every-limb
Visit www.thesewallsblog.com/morethanpolitics to learn more about this podcast.
Theme music is by purple-planet.com