More Than Politics
A podcast for those of us who want something more than what we've come to expect from politics -- and from our political discourse. Each week, More Than Politics will feature a conversation that helps put today’s politics in context, that honestly and charitably explores the issues of the day, that encourages us to engage in politics in a moral, even loving way. Hosted by Julie Varner Walsh, a former lobbyist for the Catholic Church, current mother of five / writer at www.thesewallsblog.com.
More Than Politics
MTP 3: The U.S. on the World Stage (Part 1) with Dr. Kristen Urban
Julie Varner Walsh
Episode 3
In this episode Julie Walsh talks with Dr. J. Kristen Urban, Professor Emerita from Mount St. Mary’s University. Dr. Urban, who has taught a variety of courses related to international politics, has spent time in Israel/Palestine, Russia, Romania, Italy, Turkey, Oman, and Saudi Arabia. In 2003/04, she was a Senior Fulbright Scholar to Bahrain.
In this first of a two-part conversation on the current state of the U.S. on the world stage, Julie and Dr. Urban review the international developments that, since the end of the second World War, have set that stage.
Visit www.thesewallsblog.com/morethanpolitics to learn more about this podcast.
Theme music is by purple-planet.com